Top 5 Reasons Costa Rica TEFL Should Be Your Next TEFL Destination………….

“Your ticket to see the world”

Costa Rica TEFL 🙂

This is a big question that circulates when you are trying to decide on your TEFL Destination. Everything needs to come in the perfect package. Firstly, the destination, is it a nice place to go to as you will be spending a few weeks there?, the cost of the program, your accommodation, the flights, will I get a job after, all these questions will surely run through your mind as you try to choose the right destination. It gives you anxiety making sure your choice is the proper one. I have been in this position a few years ago but what sold me on my choice was Costa Rica TEFL. I was so nervous clicking the pay button but I was so super excited that I finally made a decision. Costa Rica TEFL was where  my teaching journey all began. It was the best decision I ever made. 

Location Location Location

According to Sean Collins “ Every location has its sweet spot”. Firstly, Playa Samara is a beach paradise. Zero complaints right there. Who does not want to get certified living in a quiet beach paradise for a few weeks. Playa Samara is a small gem tucked in the Western Guanacaste Peninsula. The town is a perfect blend of locals and tourists so you will definitely get that local effect to add to your experience. Likewise, if you are looking to party or have a chill time, there is a perfect balance for that. Samara is also quite easy to get to from San Jose or Liberia where the two main international airports are located. This magical little paradise will give you more than what you can pay for. There are a lot of outdoor activities you can add to your bucket list such as kayaking , hiking , snorkeling, horseback riding, ATV-ing, surfing, zip-lining, dolphin watching, fishing, deep- sea diving and the list goes on. There are 3 other amazing beaches such as Playa Izquierda, Playa Barrigona and Buenavista all within 15 minutes apart where  you can walk, bike, or take a taxi. These are all hot spots for surfing or if  you just want to have a lovely “ chill” day. In addition, the warm and friendly smiles of people strolling in the streets or riding their bikes add to the all round Pura Vida life.

Pacific Sunsets on Playa Samara
One of the many beautiful days at Playa Samara 🙂

Quality school and team.

Coming together is the beginning , keeping together is progress and working together is success. Costa Rica TEFL is a 160 hour accredited course.They offer classes throughout the year so you can plan for whichever month is suited for you. It is a 4 -week program consisting of classes with the TEFL Trainers and your practical teaching. The class sizes are just right; they  range from 6 to 13 trainees per course.  The small class sizes are great for  learning, creating, sharing and exploring your talents as a person and teacher as well. You will have 1.5 hours classes with the trainers where you will learn a lot about classroom management, lesson planning and the many other elements of teaching. In the afternoon you will teach your classes to our local students here in Samara who will make your teaching experience a memorable and beautiful one. Likewise, you will receive Spanish classes as part of the package. This will give you the opportunity to learn another language and be culturally immersed in a fun environment. You will leave feeling really accomplished on a whole. Coming to get certified and leaving speaking Spanish. How amazing is that?. The staff are absolute rock stars. They will all make you feel extremely welcomed and will be there as advocates or mentors with any problems in and outside the classroom. You will have a full motivating and empowerment team to walk with you through your month with there

Part of the team.TEFL Trainer Nickola and Administrative Coordinator Shannon:)

Cultural Explosion.

Imagine teaching with people from all over the world. How amazing is that. Your experience will forever be full and rich when you get to learn about other people’s culture as well. Costa Rica TEFL attracts people from every corner of the globe. The US, Canada , Trinidad and Tobago,, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama, England, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Denmark , Holland , Austria, Namibia, South Africa, Iraq, Iran, Singapore, India, New Zealand and even our people from down under Australia. It feels very enriching to be around different people from all nationalities and backgrounds. That is what makes everything so much more valuable here at Costa Rica TEFL . Your Semantic taste will become enhanced just  by learning  more about different words and phrases inside the classroom and just by sharing about the culture of your own country. You will be even more educated about the world and have a greater appreciation for people’s cultures including  the one where you will be teaching for the month.

Cultural Blend 🙂
Over 5 different nationalities all in one photo:)

Guaranteed Job Placement Worldwide.

This is a lot of people’s concern Oh my Gosh will I get a job after. You definitely will. This is one of the things that attracted me was the high job placement rate. Everyone in my group got jobs by the end of the course. You have the choice of staying in Costa Rica and working or volunteering. Likewise, if you choose to go to another country of your choice. Barbara Miller the founder of Costa Rica TEFL ensures that you get your one and one meetings with her to discuss your future plans. I really urge people who come to do the course to really take advantage of these meetings. It would be nice to have some direction when the course finishes. You also have the option for online teaching as well. The choice is yours and the best is yet to come. It is such an exciting feeling to know that you can come here with no job and leave in a month with one or even 2 weeks into the course. It all depends on how dedicated you are to achieving what you want. Your entire life can change in a month. No let me rephrase that it will.  That is guaranteed

My students with their certificates after they passed their exams.

Friends Become Family for Life

I feel like Costa Rica TEFL is the gathering place where friends become family. You kind of find your soul tribe in a way. You may even find your next relationship who knows hahaha but the connections you make with people are forever. I have seen so many beautiful friendships form. Myself included. It makes me so happy that TEFL can be that connect. a lot of people needed in their lives. To be around people who want to better themselves in an uplifting environment. There is no better feeling than being around people who are here for the purpose of teaching but leave with so much more than expected. 

Yes we do class on the beach as well 🙂
TEFL graduates enjoy a gorgeous Sunday at Playa Barrigona.

 In conclusion. The famous saying “expect the unexpected” is how I can summarize everything. Expect the best and most amazing and enriching experiences and also expect challenges but you will definitely overcome it in a good way. Expect you will not be the same person after a month.  Expect to leave more rejuvenated and excited for life.  Expect to leave with your ticket to travel the world.

Go chase your dreams 🙂

To find out more about Costa Rica. Click to connect. 🙂


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