My TEFL bucket list…………



Do you remember the movie “The Bucket List” with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson? Well for years I have been hearing about this show but never got the chance to watch it. I finally did a few nights ago. Many would think it was a sad story but to me, it was a beautiful storyline. It inspired me to re-evaluate my bucket list. First of all what exactly is a bucket list?

Bucket list: Taught English in a city.

According to Oxford “ A bucket list is experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime”. I believe you do not have to live life according to a list you should live it freely and naturally. Life is always changing as we can see so your list probably would change as well. I know mine has. I put some thought into this and who knows it can change as life goes on. I can either add things or take away things.

Ever since I did TEFL, my definition of accomplishments and life has changed significantly. It is all about my experiences. I made a promise to myself that everything I do going forth in life has to be with meaning, compassion, and love. Do you know as I took this approach the things on my bucket list came naturally? Yes I am going a little deep here hahaha but that is the person I am. Anyway to all the TEFL teachers worldwide I have come up with a TEFL bucket list. Some of the things I have already done.

  1. Teach English in all different parts of Costa Rica. In the city, in poor communities, and rural communities.
  2. Laugh till I cry with my students.
  3. Do a volunteer program in Costa Rica.
  4. Figure out why English has 13 tenses. Yes I am serious:)
  5. Teach English in a non-popular Asian Country.
  6. Volunteer in India in a rural community for 3 to 6 months.
  7. Become a TEFL Trainer.
  8. Become one of the “realest” TEFL Bloggers to inspire people to do something different and see the world differently.
  9. Inspire TEFL teachers to be passionate and authentic people ready to teach in any environment
  10. Create something personal designed to help and motivate TEFL teachers WORLDWIDE.
  11. Give free English classes to a student for a year.
  12. Get a random stranger in the street to say ” smile ” in English and get it captured 🙂


Bucket list: Taught English to kids

I challenge you as teachers to come up with your lists. Remember you will always keep adding and taking away. That is okay. I will leave you with this quote from Ryan Tedder. “When life allows you the opportunity to check off a thing on your list, you have to check them”. Live your life fearlessly. If TEFL is on your bucket list. Feel free to contact me for more information. 🙂

Bucket list. Volunteered with the Costa Rican Goverment to teach these youth English from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

PS I  want to thank feedspot for featuring me in Top 50 TEFL Blogs list. 

Hecho con amor……….

” A recipe has no soul. You as the cook, must bring the soul to the recipe” Thomas Keller

Who doesn’t like storytelling? I always loved storytelling. I think everyone’s story is unique in their way. Sharing stories is how we get to know people and where inspiration comes from. I met Daniela through some of the TEFL teachers I trained. Daniela and her partner run a bed and breakfast called Casa Manigua in Playa Samara Costa Rica.  It is one of the best bed and breakfast in this small and natural town. I had the honor of dining at Casa Manigua several times and I fell in love with food more and more when I ate there. I even got a cooking lesson from the chef herself which was so much fun and it added to my list of things I  can cook.



Daniela teaching her first cooking class:)

This cooking star Daniela Bravo Cambronero is from the capital San Jose Costa Rica. She studied at INA- Ciudad Teconologica Mario Echandi. Her passion and love for the kitchen began back in college when she would always cook for her brothers. How lucky are they? hahaha. Her favorite thing to cook is breakfast. She expressed that breakfast gives you that boost, happiness, and energy to start your day. What better way to start your day with a delicious and healthy meal. 

Yummy typical “Tico” breakfast Gallo pinto.
Vegan dishes…………

Daniela’s cooking style is unique because she puts all of her love in each dish she prepares as well as all the yummy flavors of Costa Rica. This is her recipe for her uniqueness. A few other dishes she loves to cook are very traditional Costa Rican dishes such as Gallo Pinto. Likewise a tasty eggs Benedict, different types of fish, and her mouth-watering sauces. In addition, she also has 100% vegan options and gluten-free on her menu. She has everyone covered. No worries there.


Cooking class in progress.

It is a beautiful thing when a career and passion come together.Daniela and her partner started Casa Manigua when they decided to get out of the “rat race life” in San Jose, and start something that brings them joy and purpose. They want their place to make travelers feel like they are at home. They expressed comfort, privacy and amazing food are their main missions for their clients. This is what sets them apart from the rest of the places here in Samara is their love for people, who need that sense of family on their travels.

Daniela plans to keep growing her business, creating and maintaining bonds with her clients, and to keep making them happy through her food. This is an excellent and simple plan. This is why Casa Manigua is a great place to stop by and have a coffee, eat some amazing breakfast, have a good chat, get a cooking class, have some laughs and enjoy the simpleness of life through good food and blessed energy.

Costa Rica TEFL teachers eating a delicious dinner at Casa Manigua


If you are in Samara and want to check out Casa Manigua. Click to connect .


Top 5 Reasons Costa Rica TEFL Should Be Your Next TEFL Destination………….

“Your ticket to see the world”

Costa Rica TEFL 🙂

This is a big question that circulates when you are trying to decide on your TEFL Destination. Everything needs to come in the perfect package. Firstly, the destination, is it a nice place to go to as you will be spending a few weeks there?, the cost of the program, your accommodation, the flights, will I get a job after, all these questions will surely run through your mind as you try to choose the right destination. It gives you anxiety making sure your choice is the proper one. I have been in this position a few years ago but what sold me on my choice was Costa Rica TEFL. I was so nervous clicking the pay button but I was so super excited that I finally made a decision. Costa Rica TEFL was where  my teaching journey all began. It was the best decision I ever made. 

Location Location Location

According to Sean Collins “ Every location has its sweet spot”. Firstly, Playa Samara is a beach paradise. Zero complaints right there. Who does not want to get certified living in a quiet beach paradise for a few weeks. Playa Samara is a small gem tucked in the Western Guanacaste Peninsula. The town is a perfect blend of locals and tourists so you will definitely get that local effect to add to your experience. Likewise, if you are looking to party or have a chill time, there is a perfect balance for that. Samara is also quite easy to get to from San Jose or Liberia where the two main international airports are located. This magical little paradise will give you more than what you can pay for. There are a lot of outdoor activities you can add to your bucket list such as kayaking , hiking , snorkeling, horseback riding, ATV-ing, surfing, zip-lining, dolphin watching, fishing, deep- sea diving and the list goes on. There are 3 other amazing beaches such as Playa Izquierda, Playa Barrigona and Buenavista all within 15 minutes apart where  you can walk, bike, or take a taxi. These are all hot spots for surfing or if  you just want to have a lovely “ chill” day. In addition, the warm and friendly smiles of people strolling in the streets or riding their bikes add to the all round Pura Vida life.

Pacific Sunsets on Playa Samara
One of the many beautiful days at Playa Samara 🙂

Quality school and team.

Coming together is the beginning , keeping together is progress and working together is success. Costa Rica TEFL is a 160 hour accredited course.They offer classes throughout the year so you can plan for whichever month is suited for you. It is a 4 -week program consisting of classes with the TEFL Trainers and your practical teaching. The class sizes are just right; they  range from 6 to 13 trainees per course.  The small class sizes are great for  learning, creating, sharing and exploring your talents as a person and teacher as well. You will have 1.5 hours classes with the trainers where you will learn a lot about classroom management, lesson planning and the many other elements of teaching. In the afternoon you will teach your classes to our local students here in Samara who will make your teaching experience a memorable and beautiful one. Likewise, you will receive Spanish classes as part of the package. This will give you the opportunity to learn another language and be culturally immersed in a fun environment. You will leave feeling really accomplished on a whole. Coming to get certified and leaving speaking Spanish. How amazing is that?. The staff are absolute rock stars. They will all make you feel extremely welcomed and will be there as advocates or mentors with any problems in and outside the classroom. You will have a full motivating and empowerment team to walk with you through your month with there

Part of the team.TEFL Trainer Nickola and Administrative Coordinator Shannon:)

Cultural Explosion.

Imagine teaching with people from all over the world. How amazing is that. Your experience will forever be full and rich when you get to learn about other people’s culture as well. Costa Rica TEFL attracts people from every corner of the globe. The US, Canada , Trinidad and Tobago,, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama, England, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Denmark , Holland , Austria, Namibia, South Africa, Iraq, Iran, Singapore, India, New Zealand and even our people from down under Australia. It feels very enriching to be around different people from all nationalities and backgrounds. That is what makes everything so much more valuable here at Costa Rica TEFL . Your Semantic taste will become enhanced just  by learning  more about different words and phrases inside the classroom and just by sharing about the culture of your own country. You will be even more educated about the world and have a greater appreciation for people’s cultures including  the one where you will be teaching for the month.

Cultural Blend 🙂
Over 5 different nationalities all in one photo:)

Guaranteed Job Placement Worldwide.

This is a lot of people’s concern Oh my Gosh will I get a job after. You definitely will. This is one of the things that attracted me was the high job placement rate. Everyone in my group got jobs by the end of the course. You have the choice of staying in Costa Rica and working or volunteering. Likewise, if you choose to go to another country of your choice. Barbara Miller the founder of Costa Rica TEFL ensures that you get your one and one meetings with her to discuss your future plans. I really urge people who come to do the course to really take advantage of these meetings. It would be nice to have some direction when the course finishes. You also have the option for online teaching as well. The choice is yours and the best is yet to come. It is such an exciting feeling to know that you can come here with no job and leave in a month with one or even 2 weeks into the course. It all depends on how dedicated you are to achieving what you want. Your entire life can change in a month. No let me rephrase that it will.  That is guaranteed

My students with their certificates after they passed their exams.

Friends Become Family for Life

I feel like Costa Rica TEFL is the gathering place where friends become family. You kind of find your soul tribe in a way. You may even find your next relationship who knows hahaha but the connections you make with people are forever. I have seen so many beautiful friendships form. Myself included. It makes me so happy that TEFL can be that connect. a lot of people needed in their lives. To be around people who want to better themselves in an uplifting environment. There is no better feeling than being around people who are here for the purpose of teaching but leave with so much more than expected. 

Yes we do class on the beach as well 🙂
TEFL graduates enjoy a gorgeous Sunday at Playa Barrigona.

 In conclusion. The famous saying “expect the unexpected” is how I can summarize everything. Expect the best and most amazing and enriching experiences and also expect challenges but you will definitely overcome it in a good way. Expect you will not be the same person after a month.  Expect to leave more rejuvenated and excited for life.  Expect to leave with your ticket to travel the world.

Go chase your dreams 🙂

To find out more about Costa Rica. Click to connect. 🙂


Choose Samara it will change your life !

A normal day in paradise:)

You never know where you will end up in the world especially when you are a global citizen. They say life is a journey and there will be many steps along the way hhaaah well, this statement has been so true in the past couple of years in my life. The journey started when I decided to do my TEFL certification in Playa Samara Costa Rica. Well it was one of the best and most adventurous decisions I have made in my life thus far. Choosing TEFL and Playa Samara.

 When I first arrived in Samara, I experienced every possible emotion and the ones I didn’t even know I had. I was scared but so excited for what was to come. I remember the day I got here Saturday April 21st 2018. That evening I went to sit on the beach. I had no friends here just yet so it was me, myself and my thoughts. As I watched the beautiful sunset, somehow, I felt it deeply and strongly in me that this place was going to change my life in so many ways. I had never felt it that powerfully in all my travels. Samara broadened my perspective and it really allowed me to open my eyes and heart to more life. Who knew this little piece of bliss could have moved me in so many ways.

This overlooked gem is nestled in the Guanacaste Province in the famous “blue zone”. It is not as popular as the other beaches along the coast such as Playa Tamarindo and Playa Del Coco but that’s what makes it so unique and distinct. It sets itself apart from any other place. It has a perfect blend of locals and foreigners making it a cultural explosion. The local residents have managed to keep this small yet special town very untouched from the infrastructure in the town, on the amazing 7 km stretch of beach and even the lovely dirt roads. There are no franchises which is such a great thing. Everything is local. No wait I lied. There is a supermarket called Pali which is owned by Walmart but it still feels extremely local as you walk in. This is something I appreciate because I so much prefer to support the locals in their small communities. They work so hard to make a living. Likewise, the supermarkets, restaurants and little vintage shops in the small Centro are all local.  

Samara is a place with little distractions. It forces you to get in touch with yourself. I describe this sweet spot as a natural healing environment which is so needed in our everyday lives. It is the combination of the sun, the beach, the jungle, the animals that all add to the blessed energy. We as human beings tend to forget that we are all in need of healing and get so caught up in “life” Every person I have met who is not from Costa Rica has expressed this beautiful feeling. I am living it too at this very moment. 

 Likewise,there is a serenity and peace that surrounds this place. It’s like when you inhale the air here, it gives you a sense of calmness and hope. In addition to the jungle and beach life, it is the culture of Samara, the way of the life of the people here that enhances this powerful energy. Samarians live in simplicity. There are not many cars, everyone uses bicycles, quads or motorcycles. The People here are happy even with the least things. Simplicity brings about humbleness and authenticity.  These are elements that many people in the world lack due to the fast pace environments and being engrossed in their busy lives.

Samara reminds you to slow down, look up, smile and enjoy the present. The Costa Rican motto “Pura Vida” translated as the Pure Life is absolutely very accurate in this little town. You will find yourself using it alot when you are here even to say Good Morning , Thank you etc. It is a cultural norm. This little magical pocket of the world is the perfect place to just relax and remember that life is a precious gift.

 Additionally, Samara allows you to be apologetically YOU. No one judges what you wear, how much money you have or what job you have. It allows the highest sense of naturalness that goes with it. It brings out the best of you. The real authentic, genuine and raw side. It helps you to find yourself by just adapting to the simple ways of life.  Simple things such as NO AC or hot water in most of the houses here unless you are in a hotel or fancy home are a few of the simple things that can be taken for granted. Things like these allow us to step out of our comfort zones, adapt and just embrace things. It really helps you to build character and humble yourself in so many ways. Another wonderful thing is that human connection. It is so nice to walk to work or down the road and everyone says good morning, Hola Guapa “Pura Vida Mae” with a smile on their face. That small interaction can make anyone’s day. Even the random horses on the street. YES! you will see a lot of them roaming all around. They are so sweet and entertaining. It won’t be Samara if you don’t see a random horse on your street at 11:00pm in the night.

There are many other amazing beaches and waterfalls that surround Playa Samara that are just out of this world. The adventures to get there are so thrilling. Trekking through the jungle and crossing rivers are just what makes it so memorable. The weather as well is just divine which radiates extra beauty to this place. In addition, due to the town being so far away from the city, the stars at night are out of this world. I swear it’s like you are sitting under a blanket of millions of stars. You can see every star in the universe and this is not an exaggeration. I know it sounds “cliched” but it really does make you believe in magic and it makes you appreciate the beauty in this world so much more. 

Similarly, there are also many Holistic Wellness and Alternative Healing spots that a lot of people come to Costa Rica to experience and be a part of. I am so grateful I get to live in a unique paradise that promotes raw beauty.

Travel really is the only thing you can buy that does make you richer. That is a fact! That is how Samara will make you feel. You will feel richer in your experiences and most importantly in yourself. A small town that will always hold a special place in your heart and that will change your life in one or many ways.

Catarata Belen:)
Sunsets from my home:)

The Blessing!

My sisters and I in Paris, France

I am now beginning to understand that each place plays a part in your journey. It is amazing to see how everything is mapped out and everything connects in some way. We just need to open our eyes to see not only in black and white.  I was positioned in the UK with Bianca and her family to honestly get closer to God and my spirituality. I can say this now because I can look back and see how everything makes sense now. I was being prepared for something bigger. It was preparing me for where I am today right now in this moment in Costa Rica.

I,ll go straight to the point. My purpose of going to the UK  for the couple months was to be redirected to God and in this sense he gave me more than I needed. I got to travel to France , Amsterdam and the Canary Islands. Talk about bawling on a budget. I got to see my family, meet amazing people, experience new cultures and most importantly be around one of my longest friend’s family. I got to prepare for motherhood and  do my internship with 2 amazing kids who brought nothing but joy and so much love to my life. I get so emotional when I talk about them. Likewise,  I was able to make a huge decision which I was so indecisive about because of my fear.

It was the most memorable three months. It was the ending of a huge chapter of my life that I would never imagined. It has taught me to walk in faith not fear. Be open and enjoy what is in your space.  So much can happen in such a short space of time. There is beauty in everything you touch you just have to see it. I am so grateful and blessed that I went brave and just took off for a few months. I came back a better version of myself. A version I loved and was proud of a version that was ready and confident for what was next. If it was not for that experience I would not  have been as strong as I am today.


Bianca and I enjoying the sun in Hyde Park

Walking With No Destination Continued………

IMG_20190510_184202_802.jpgI had one week to pack my apartment in San Jose and prepare for the next adventure that was ahead. After an amazing 2 months volunteering,my mind and heart were a bit more settled. I was open to what was next. What made me sad was that I was literally dropping all that I built up and worked up for in Costa Rica over the past year. I could not let it make me feel down for too long beause I needed to head to the UK in good spirits and the best attitude.

Well May 10th arrived. I sat on the plane thinking I will not come back to Costa Rica for a while. I just had a feeling, likewise, my ticket was one way. It made me sad but excited because this whole situation I was in,was just so crazy I could not wrap my head around it.

It took about a day of traveling to get to the UK.  I arrived in Gatwick and took 2 trains to Bianca. My first encounter in the UK was a man yelling ” really get out of my way” I was like huh. First thing I learnt in the UK always stand to the right side of the escalator even if you have a baby a buggie or a suitcase. It was such a culture shock that at 6am people can be so mean and in such a hurry. I was like Pura Vida man. Then I realised shit I am not in Costa Rica hahhahaaa.

I went right into the full swing with Bianca and the kids. I was suprised I still had energy but it was such a great first day being my people. I think I was so mind blown my friend of 20 plus years just did her mummy duties so well. The Bianca I knew to the Bianca now. She just inspired me more  to just want to be better. I told you the story gets better man.





Walking with no Destination……….



The same week all this madness happened , I was laying on my bed just reading then something told me to go onto this site that has jobs. I was scrolling through I saw volunteer teachers needed in Limon for 3 weeks for a Costa Rican  Governemt Program. I looked and it caught my eye because of Limon. This is the Caribbean side of Costa Rica. I said “You know what Nickola why not at the stage you have absolutely nothing to lose opportunities that come your way now you must just take them”. I sent an email and in about an hour I got a response hey can we please call you tomorrow to talk. The next day I was selected to go to Limon for a month to Teach English. I was quite excited because I do like that side of Costa Rica it feels more authentic. The air , the vibe , the people.

On the Tuesday I had training with a good bunch of international teachers.  Well  I made my way to Limon on the Friday I stayed with the Morejon family for 6 weeks. I felt apart of their family. They were so chill actually too chill. One thing I can say all the host families I stayed with have treated me  like I was one of theirs.  Teaching across there was such an amazing experience. Each experience teaches me to trust a little more and to be more open to how things are supposed to unfold. It,s very difficult no lies but trusting in God, comes with clarity. As I keep repeatedly saying there are many things I can,t explain but I know the feeling it stirs in me.

I went to Limon and I didn’t know what my next step was after there but I didn’t bother to resist. I felt really good across there just happy man. I didn’t know if it was just in the moment feeling or if this was me being in alignment. But the feeling was there more than before. I have been so addicted to bettering myself that things in my life started to come naturally. One Sunday I was talking to my friend Bianca who lives in the UK and we were just chatting and she was like “Nickola why don’t you come across to London to help me with the kids and the kids football”. The idea sounded amazing, I would have yes said in a heartbeat. But I was like wait wait I need to think about this. My plan was to go to France in June for my cousin’s wedding and to spend 1 or 2 days in London with her not to spend  over a  month hhahaha.

It’s just mad crazy how things work out. One year ago I would have never been thinking about this and well here it is now an opportunity for more travel and adventure. I asked  God for some guidance to make a choice and somehow it came to me in a couple days. The thing is I have been trying to listen more to my intuition and  in this case it said go for it, but it’s always the ego bringing fear. Of course I am quite nervous for this big change but I am also excited for the adventures that lie ahead. I don’t know what  the continued path would bring but I am sure it is something magical. There is no way that this opportunity just fell out of the sky, it was all in the Divine Path. I Thank God everyday that my boss fired me because I would not have had these opportunities to explore Costa Rica and get to live in different parts doing what I love. Limon was one of the best experiences I have had in Costa Rica

In my last week in Limon, the organization I was volunteering with, asked me to help in another part of Costa Rica called Perez Zeledon. I accepted it because it was another opportunity that I didn’t know what could out it.  Sunday April 21st 2019 I got on a bus to Perez Zeledon. I stayed with a host family who were just simply beyond amazing. Daisy went above and beyond . I am so not accustomed to receiving such genuine love from people I do not know. It felt weird but this is also something I am learning to do on this journey I am on. I have always  been a giver that I literally forgot what it felt like to receive such genuine love and  hospitality .I felt so loved. It was quite an emotional week but a good one because I was getting ready to give up my apartment, travel to London into this dam unknown again.

I felt more anxious than excited. The classes I had were so so lovely. The students were so super energetic and eager which was so good. Again I knew I was supposed to be there. The other teacher Susan from the Uk was also a gem. We connected. It was such a blessed week.  I returned to San Jose feeling so fulfilled and my heart was happy. If  I didn’t click apply that night I would not have gotten this memorable life experience that I will carry in my heart for life.

Wabi Sabi !!!!!

The start of 2019 was very weird for me in certain things because I was in this unknown again. I was scared honestly because I finally started to feel settled and things changed once again. I started a new job here in Costa Rica. My third job in 9 months. I look at this as something  positive because its moving me closer to  what I want to do with my life. It has been just over a month since I got back to Costa Rica. This month has already felt like a few months because I have had to deal with so many unexpected things that tested my patience above and beyond. But guess what I decided to not let it bother me and somehow, I figured out the issues I had.

For the past month I have been working with a life coach and she has helped me tremendously. I feel I owe it to myself to invest in everything I can do to keep on this path and in the best version of myself. I can say I have felt a huge difference again in myself because I have moved past a lot of fears but I have still have somethings to work on which is completely normal. As human beings we are forever evolving and healing the process never ends. I have realized the healing process is such a delicate,ugly,painful yet beautiful process. I learnt a new word this month. Its is a Japanese word called “Wabi Sabi” which is defined simply as finding the beauty amongst the chaos and ugliness that goes on around you. I think it is a beautiful word that I will hold to my heart going forward.

The journey continues is all I can say at this moment I have come to a point in my life where I don’t need to explain things for people to understand me. I may not have the words but I sure know how I feel. I am and can completely say I am a wanderer now because the past year has been about me and basking in my solitude  and moving around by myself and I think I have come to embrace it a little too much. My alone time is so sacred to me now. I have become an ambivert. It’s a mixture of an introvert and an extrovert. I love it because it helps me with my balance.

March 1st 2019 .  A new month with a twist. I’ll go right into it. I got fired from my new job on this beautiful Friday. I never ever in my life saw this coming but it bitch slapped me hard in my face. I will say my boss showed her true colors a true coward she is that’s all I can say but I thank her for getting me out a situation I knew was not for me. I did not sign up for a 10 hour plus job Monday to Friday and on weekends. I was deeply miserable but I decided not to complain because I should be grateful I have a job and to make the best of it. Once again I was settling which I knew deep down this was not for me but I wanted to give it a fair chance. I am not a person to just give up. I,ll push through if I know I can. Well , Well God said no if you don’t want to get out of this I will throw you off the cliff to save and protect you from not taking the scenic route but the safe route.

The story gets better. So when I accepted this job , my TEFL director Barbara in Samara sent me a message saying “Nickola there is a job opening in the school here apply for it” I was like nooooooooooo way, I just accepted this job and this comes up. It has been my dream to live and work by the beach for forever and it came at this time. The month of February I was contemplating just going to talk to the principal and make a contact. It was not until the week I got fired which I didn’t know I was going to , I finally decided to go to Samara on that weekend because I didn’t have work and could have gone to do the interview.  I didn’t want to not take an opportunity because on this journey anything is possible. So I got fired on the Friday and Saturday morning I headed out on the 5 hour  drive to Playa Samara. My emotions were all over the place but I kept telling myself Nickola shit like this does not happen on a daily basis. This is the biggest sign you are supposed to be somewhere else to fulfill your life purpose. I finally made it to Samara last weekend and I just made the best of everything. I kept the light shining and my spirits high. The interview went very well. I realized that wow I am moving back to the beach. I was confident I would have gotten the job and started making plans. There is no way I would have gotten fired one day and have an interview the next day. I thought to myself I am meant to be here. I left Samara on the Tuesday thinking I am going back to San Jose to pack my bags and make the move over to the Pacific Coast. But hahahha that was not the case.

I was on the bus and I got a message saying I did not get the job. I looked at my phone and just stared at the clock on the bus for about 2 minutes. I did not know if to cry or to worry but my brain immediately went into Nickola you need to work for yourself. Fuck working for people who do not value you or make you feel less than what you are. Then the panic came and I decided to take 2 gravols and immediately feel asleep for about 4 hours. I opened my eyes and thought I was dreaming but the reality hit me. I am unemployed. I got fired and rejected one after the next. Like WTF did I do to deserve this. I  have done everything right to start over in a country. I have seeked every opportunity and I have done my best at everything. I have never been fired in my life. I guess a first time for everything sigh. Anyway as I was up on the bus I looked at the clock but the bus ride took 6 hours and the clock said 2.22pm. I looked at the numbers and knew these numbers meant something. Then I just closed my eyes again and the tears started to flow but I never opened my eyes until we got to San Jose. I honestly felt like a piece of shit for two days but never once did I  feel to give up.

That week I decided to not feel sorry for myself. I picked up myself for the 78998819 time and started to just write ideas of what I can do to get income. The company I worked for the month with, we got our private Spanish tutor. I met  Isabel another lightworker on earth. I have realized now that I was meant to meet her at my time at my last job. She helped me tremendously in that week and just gave me the hope and push that I needed to hear. She helped me turn my whole week around. What seemed that could be the strangest and hardest week , turned into one of the best weeks I have had. Having a positive mindset, hope  faith and perseverance  was paying off for me. Everything was so sudden and unexpected. I keep saying god’s plan is far better and adventurous than our plans. The story gets better. Stay tuned!IMG_20190130_154753_906IMG_20190317_152626_483.jpg

That,s a Wrap!!!!!!

Resist,Trust,Let go and Let the universe do the rest ……………


I remember when i started this blog the first thing i wrote was “I remember when i was younger I thought I would have been married have kids have the my dream job etc” Well I believe 30 brought me something so much better and more amazing than i expected. I got my ticket to the world and to follow my truth fully. I sit here on my porch here in Trinidad on my last day of being 30 and everything still feels surreal. My reality always seems unreal. However , i am happy with the progress i have made to live my best life and my truth for me.

I have so much to be grateful for this year. It,s funny i can say this now but 30  is my favorite year so far. There are alot of things i still can,t describe but i know as time progresses,i will be able to put it in words. I celebrated my 31st birthday on the 29th December. It was a really different day because i lost my fear of what “age “is. For the past couple years i hated getting older and seeing that age increase but this year i was more open to knowing i am 31 years old am being happy with it.This day also taught me that god tests you everyday in everyway.

2018 has been the realest and most inspirational. I am on the right path and i really do hope that 2019 brings more abundance to my life. Time to take life to the next level. My only goal for next year is to fully surrender and resist to the flow of life. Let the Universe do its thing. I have been practicing and boy oh boy is it diffucult. I struggle. However, I know with more surrending life will  keep unfolimg  for me in a magical way and my desires will come into manifestation

A round of applause for 2018. Thank You, Merci , Gracias , Obrigada,Danke ,GrazieIMG_20181230_100850_925.jpg

A November I will always remember.

“Life is about balance be kind but don’t let people abuse you.Trust but don’t be deceived but never stop improving yourself.”



A November to remember . Listen I don,’just choose my titles just because, I choose what has meaning and what will reflect in my story.  This month I did exactly what i needed to do. I stuck to my path . My meditation cleanse was  a breath of fresh air.  It brought the clarity that I needed for some really important decisions that i had to make moving forward in life and in general.  It has also enhanced my daily routine because I make sure when i open my eyes in the morning the first thing I do is dedicate 10 to 15 minutes  of positive affirmations and gratitude . Trust me it will make your day so much better and lighter. I decided to try something new this month and it has only made me feel better day by day. I feel powerful because for once in my life I am genuinely happy walking around in my shoes and loving myself unconditionally and always staying true to my beliefs. I wish i knew what unconditional love felt like years ago.

I have loved people but not myself. So did I really know what real love is ? This love is different but wow does it feel so amazing. Again I’m without words . I am  allowing myself these days to feel instead of question. A lot of good things have happened this month in all areas of my life. The journey continues as I would say. It’s never an easy road but I have learnt to accept the bumpy road and have some excitement on the unknown path. It is December 8th 2018 and this is the year that so many shifts realignments and alignments have happened. I have returned to my innocence, to myself.I have awokened , I have transitioned to my best self. I now have a solid titanium structure where I can keep building.
