Choose Samara it will change your life !

A normal day in paradise:)

You never know where you will end up in the world especially when you are a global citizen. They say life is a journey and there will be many steps along the way hhaaah well, this statement has been so true in the past couple of years in my life. The journey started when I decided to do my TEFL certification in Playa Samara Costa Rica. Well it was one of the best and most adventurous decisions I have made in my life thus far. Choosing TEFL and Playa Samara.

 When I first arrived in Samara, I experienced every possible emotion and the ones I didn’t even know I had. I was scared but so excited for what was to come. I remember the day I got here Saturday April 21st 2018. That evening I went to sit on the beach. I had no friends here just yet so it was me, myself and my thoughts. As I watched the beautiful sunset, somehow, I felt it deeply and strongly in me that this place was going to change my life in so many ways. I had never felt it that powerfully in all my travels. Samara broadened my perspective and it really allowed me to open my eyes and heart to more life. Who knew this little piece of bliss could have moved me in so many ways.

This overlooked gem is nestled in the Guanacaste Province in the famous “blue zone”. It is not as popular as the other beaches along the coast such as Playa Tamarindo and Playa Del Coco but that’s what makes it so unique and distinct. It sets itself apart from any other place. It has a perfect blend of locals and foreigners making it a cultural explosion. The local residents have managed to keep this small yet special town very untouched from the infrastructure in the town, on the amazing 7 km stretch of beach and even the lovely dirt roads. There are no franchises which is such a great thing. Everything is local. No wait I lied. There is a supermarket called Pali which is owned by Walmart but it still feels extremely local as you walk in. This is something I appreciate because I so much prefer to support the locals in their small communities. They work so hard to make a living. Likewise, the supermarkets, restaurants and little vintage shops in the small Centro are all local.  

Samara is a place with little distractions. It forces you to get in touch with yourself. I describe this sweet spot as a natural healing environment which is so needed in our everyday lives. It is the combination of the sun, the beach, the jungle, the animals that all add to the blessed energy. We as human beings tend to forget that we are all in need of healing and get so caught up in “life” Every person I have met who is not from Costa Rica has expressed this beautiful feeling. I am living it too at this very moment. 

 Likewise,there is a serenity and peace that surrounds this place. It’s like when you inhale the air here, it gives you a sense of calmness and hope. In addition to the jungle and beach life, it is the culture of Samara, the way of the life of the people here that enhances this powerful energy. Samarians live in simplicity. There are not many cars, everyone uses bicycles, quads or motorcycles. The People here are happy even with the least things. Simplicity brings about humbleness and authenticity.  These are elements that many people in the world lack due to the fast pace environments and being engrossed in their busy lives.

Samara reminds you to slow down, look up, smile and enjoy the present. The Costa Rican motto “Pura Vida” translated as the Pure Life is absolutely very accurate in this little town. You will find yourself using it alot when you are here even to say Good Morning , Thank you etc. It is a cultural norm. This little magical pocket of the world is the perfect place to just relax and remember that life is a precious gift.

 Additionally, Samara allows you to be apologetically YOU. No one judges what you wear, how much money you have or what job you have. It allows the highest sense of naturalness that goes with it. It brings out the best of you. The real authentic, genuine and raw side. It helps you to find yourself by just adapting to the simple ways of life.  Simple things such as NO AC or hot water in most of the houses here unless you are in a hotel or fancy home are a few of the simple things that can be taken for granted. Things like these allow us to step out of our comfort zones, adapt and just embrace things. It really helps you to build character and humble yourself in so many ways. Another wonderful thing is that human connection. It is so nice to walk to work or down the road and everyone says good morning, Hola Guapa “Pura Vida Mae” with a smile on their face. That small interaction can make anyone’s day. Even the random horses on the street. YES! you will see a lot of them roaming all around. They are so sweet and entertaining. It won’t be Samara if you don’t see a random horse on your street at 11:00pm in the night.

There are many other amazing beaches and waterfalls that surround Playa Samara that are just out of this world. The adventures to get there are so thrilling. Trekking through the jungle and crossing rivers are just what makes it so memorable. The weather as well is just divine which radiates extra beauty to this place. In addition, due to the town being so far away from the city, the stars at night are out of this world. I swear it’s like you are sitting under a blanket of millions of stars. You can see every star in the universe and this is not an exaggeration. I know it sounds “cliched” but it really does make you believe in magic and it makes you appreciate the beauty in this world so much more. 

Similarly, there are also many Holistic Wellness and Alternative Healing spots that a lot of people come to Costa Rica to experience and be a part of. I am so grateful I get to live in a unique paradise that promotes raw beauty.

Travel really is the only thing you can buy that does make you richer. That is a fact! That is how Samara will make you feel. You will feel richer in your experiences and most importantly in yourself. A small town that will always hold a special place in your heart and that will change your life in one or many ways.

Catarata Belen:)
Sunsets from my home:)

3 thoughts on “Choose Samara it will change your life !

  1. Nickola what a well written piece. So raw so real ! It makes you want to come to Samara to have an experience.
    I am so proud of you Nickola and all that you have chosen to embrace.


  2. As someone who live in Samara I can say that this post truly represents Samara, in every single way. Beautiful piece. Thank you for sharing the magic!

    Liked by 1 person

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